PAS-type weir screens at the Aranjuez WWTP

Tamices de aliviadero tipo PAS de Hidrostank en la EDAR de Aranjuez

HIDROSTANK has recently supplied its PAS-type weir screens at the WWTP in Aranjuez, Madrid.


Although the theoretical capacity of the original Aranjuez WWTP had not been exceeded in terms of flows, the increased pollutant load with respect to the design scenario and the more stringent requirements, made it impossible for the existing plant to achieve compliance.


As a result, Canal de Isabel II decided to undertake the necessary actions to ensure compliance with the targets set in the National Water Quality Plan.



HIDROSTANK has worked closely with the technicians of both the promoter of the WWTP (Canal de Isabel II, S.A.) and the awarded joint venture (GS Inima-Asteisa) and the technical assistance of Técnicas Reunidas, in the definition of the solution finally adopted.


Hidrostank designs, manufactures and installs PA- type weir screens, one of which is installed at the Aranjuez WWTP. These screens have a high solids retention capacity and a simple, effective cleaning system. The screens feature a perforated grid of 5 or 6 mm in diameter, incorporating a pump that sends a jet of water through an ejector to keep the perforated grid clean. The pump has a cover that enables maintenance operations from the outside, differentiating the unit from competing products.


PAS type screens can be installed in new facilities or retrofitted to existing weirs. For retrofitting purposes, they can be dismounted through a single cover of 80×80 cm and then assembled internally during installation.


Since the first screens were installed in Lugo and Huesca in 2006, many Hidrostank PAS-type screens have been successfully installed in Spain.