
Hidrostank will participate in the next edition of POLLUTEC (Lyon, France)

HIDROSTANK continues with the international commitment that has been making for several years and will be present at the next edition of POLLUTEC, which will be held at EUREXPO – Centre de Conventions et d’Expositions de Lyon from 10 to 13 October 2023.   Pollutec is the leading trade fair for environmental solutions for industry, cities and territories. For four days, it brings together professionals from all sectors to present to industrialists, local authorities and other economic players their innovative solutions to meet the major global challenges of biodiversity loss, pollution and climate change.   Hidrostank will present its wide range of products for:   – Sustainable Urban Drainage (SUDS): attenuation crates and cells, Dry Paving System (DPS), draining set… allowing a tailor-made dimensioning of infiltration tanks, detention, draining ditches….   In Pollutec, HIDROSTANK will present its latest innovations to the French market: the Dry Paving System (DPS), developed together with PVT and AH, and the HIDROCRATE infiltration box.   The DPS, consisting of an infiltration cell with a draining pavement (DPS), is an innovative solution for achieving permeable surfaces in a very simple way. The Hidrocell polymeric geocell lattice supports the ecoDraining draining pavement with which it is connected by means of a system of crosspieces and grooves specially designed to ensure a

Hidrostank participa en la próxima ANGA COM, Alemania

HIDROSTANK estará presente en la próxima feria de ANGA COM que se celebrará en Colonia del 23 al 25 de mayo en Colonia, Alemania. ANGA COM es la principal plataforma empresarial europea de banda ancha, televisión y servicios en línea. Reúne a operadores de redes, vendedores y proveedores de contenidos sobre todas las cuestiones relacionadas con la banda ancha y la distribución de medios. La última edición de ANGA COM contó con 390 expositores de 33 países y más de 18.000 participantes de 82 países. Hidrostank, a través de su distribuidor LGCE, presentará sus innovadoras soluciones para despliegue de fibra: Arquetas modulares, homologadas por DEUTSCHE GLASFASER (DG Cocon ID Nr. HH_GU—_100x45–_951300_HI) que agilizan mucho la obra civil. Nuevas tapas de composite, de resistencia UNE124 A15 & B125, que ofrecen numerosas ventajas frente a las tradicionales tapas de fundición: En el Hall 7 – Stand B55 personal cualificado de LGCE & Hidrostank atenderá la demanda de información que el visitante pueda necesitar, ayudándose de muestras de sus soluciones. Regístrese ahora en:    


HIDROSTANK ha suministrado sus nuevas cajas de infiltración HIDROCRATE en las obras urbanización de los espacios públicos del proyecto inmobiliario de la manzana B2/B6 (emplazamiento de la antigua bolera avenue de la Marne), en el marco de la fase 1 del proyecto de ordenación de espacios públicos del proyecto urbano Mérignac Marne. El proyecto Marne Soleil de Bordeaux Metropole pretende transformar una vasta zona comercial en un espacio urbano agradable, donde la función comercial sigue siendo esencial. Gracias a la prolongación de la línea A del tranvía, el desarrollo de varios kilómetros de carriles bici y la construcción de viviendas, el proyecto crea las condiciones para acoger a nuevos habitantes en el corazón de Mérignac. El proyecto también incluye un ambicioso programa de renaturalización con la plantación de miles de árboles, la reducción de las zonas de aparcamiento asfaltadas y la creación de islas frescas. HIDROSTANK colaboró estrechamente con los técnicos en la definición de la solución de drenaje sostenible finalmente adoptada. La nueva caja de infiltración HIDROCRATE, con su diseño basado en columnas, tiene una gran resistencia a la compresión y es más fácil de instalar que los modelos anteriores. La modularidad de la nueva generación de bloques de infiltración de HIDROSTANK, HIDROCRATE, permite no sólo optimizar tanto el transporte como el almacenamiento en destino, sino también dimensionar los depósitos en función de las nec

HIDROSTANK presenta en IFAT su nueva caja de infiltración HIDROCRATE

HIDROSTANK sigue con la apuesta internacional que viene realizando desde hace varios años y estará presente en la próxima edición de la feria IFAT, la Feria Mundial del Agua, Saneamiento y Gestión de Residuos y Materias Primas, que se celebra del 30 de mayo al 3 de Junio de 2022 en Munich. IFAT reúne durante 5 días en MUNICH a todos los equipos, tecnologías y servicios especializados en el tratamiento de todo tipo de contaminación, conservación ambiental y la implementación de soluciones de desarrollo sostenible Hidrostank presentará su amplia oferta de productos para: Canalización (arquetas modulares, tapas de composite, pates, grapas…): Tanques de tormenta (reguladores de caudal, sistemas de limpieza, tamices, clapetas…) Drenaje urbano sostenible (SUDS): cajas y celdas de infiltración, separador hidrodinámico, conjunto drenante…           En IFAT HIDROSTANK presentará su nueva caja de infiltración HIDROCRATE. Con un diseño basado en columnas, presenta una gran resistencia a la compresión y facilita el montaje respecto a modelos anteriores   En el A3.120 personal cualificado de Hidrostank atenderá la demanda de información que el visitante pueda necesitar, ayudándose de muestras y maquetas que facilitan la comprensión del funcionamiento de varios de los equipos comercializados.   Regístrese ahora

DRY PAVING SYSTEM, NAN Architecture and Construction Award 2021

Last Thursday 18/11/2021, the innovative system for sustainable drainage DRY PAVING SYSTEM (DPS) was awarded within the framework of the 15th anniversary of the NAN Awards for the Best Architecture and Construction Materials Projects, under the watchful eye of more than 150 professionals from the architectural and construction field. The NAN Architecture and Construction magazine announces annually these awards to designate companies that have excelled in R&D, innovation, quality, and design of the materials that they manufacture, market, distribute or install in works and reforms. The Dry Paving System (DPS), jointly developed by AH Asociados, HIDROSTANK and Pavimentos de Tudela, was awarded as the best pavement and cladding. The Jury for the «NAN – Best Construction Materials 2021» Awards was composed by Ricardo Cortés, Juan Elizaga (Ferrovial), Jordi Garrigó (FCC Construcción), María Moreno López de Ayala (SEOPAN), Guillermo Muñoz Cabañas (Dragados SA) and Antonio Muñoz Pino (OHL Construction). «Dry Paving System» (DPS) is a constructive paving system endowed with a high infiltration capacity (more than 100 l/m2/min) and with a retention of rainwater under its surface. DPS consists of precast permeable and decontaminating concrete slabs (ecoDraining) with an underground structure made up of polymer geocells (HIDROCELL) manufactured entirely with recycled plastic. The set, which manages to reduce contamination while partially purifying the received wa

REDSUDS Conference 2021 – Valencia, 15 June 2021

HIDROSTANK invites you to the next REDSUDS 2021 Conference that will take place in Valencia on Tuesday 15 June 2021. The event will have a hybrid face-to-face-virtual format, conditioned by the current health restrictions. In parallel to the face-to-face event with limited seating capacity to be held at the School of Civil Engineering of the Universitat Politècnica de València (Assembly Hall, Building 4H), the event will also allow participation and viewing via streaming. REDSUDS is a collaborative network that constitutes a forum for the discussion and dissemination of knowledge that allows the generalisation of the use of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) in Spain. The REDSUDS 2021 Conference takes over from those held in 2017 and 2019 and will present the latest advances and experiences developed in Spain. Attendance to the REDSUDS 2021 Conference is free of charge, in any of its modalities, in person or online, prior registration at this link. HIDROSTANK offers various sustainable drainage solutions (SUDS) as an alternative to traditional drainage: – HIDROBOX attenuation crates: their modularity allows customised sizing of infiltration/detention tanks, ditches and drainage ditches. They allow the possibility of inspecting the tank – HIDROCELL attenuation cells: New DRY PAVING SYSTEM! – Drainage set – VORTEX valves for flow regulation


The new stormwater detention tank consists of a concrete structure with a volume of 176 m3, occupying an area of 19×11 m2. HIDROSTANK SL has supplied our tipping buckets and Spillway PAS Screens, which guarantee the good operation of the tank. The construction of the storm tank in El Sardinero (Santander, Cantabria), carried out by Aqualia, has meant an investment of 851,084 euros, charged to the resources allocated annually as a fee for the execution of new works, improvement or renovation of the networks. This project will substantially improve the environmental conditions of the pre-existing spillage by avoiding the discharge of water from the first washing into the sea, as this facility will also carry out a purification task by cleaning the dirt produced by the dragging of the water on the ground. The operation of this Storm Water Retention Tank (#DRAT) can be seen in this good and educational video by Aqualia: Foto:


HIDROSTANK has supplied its HIDROBOX attenuation crates (also known as Storm Cells, Soakaway Modules, and StormCrates) in the BeAAT Expansion Project Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company (Takreer) awarded to the Spanish EPC company INTECSA the project that involves the expansion of the BeAAT treatment plant, which includes the extension of the current facilities in Ruwais for the treatment of industrial waste produced by ADNOC Operating Companies. The plant is based at Adnoc’s Ruwais complex, 250 kilometres west of Abu Dhabi City. The scope involves the expansion of a wastewater treatment plant. Intecsa Industrial is a Spanish engineering company with more than 50 years experience in Engineering, “Turn-key” execution of industrial plants and supply of technological packages, for both domestic and international projects. HIDROSTANK has worked closely with the technicians of INTECSA in the definition of the solution finally adopted. The easy assembling of HIDROBOX infiltration crates, certified by Bureau Veritas, enabled a very rapid installation of the infiltration trenches and deposits. Its modularity enables, not only to optimize both transport and storage at destination, but also a dimensioning according to the requirements of each project.


HIDROSTANK has recently supplied its innovative modular reinforced PP manholes at the improvement works of infrastructure at Kamembe International Airport. The Rwanda Civil Aviation Authority (RCAA) awarded the spanish company GECIWEB the “Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of aeronautical ground lighting, fence lighting, power & communications and all civil works of Kamembe International Airport”. GECI has an extensive experience in engineering and construction of airports all around the world. HIDROSTANK have worked closely with the technicians of GECI, the awarded EPC company, to define the best solution for the telecommunications & CCTV ducting. For several years, HIDROSTANK has been collaborating in the execution of infrastructure projects, where the characteristics and advantages of its manholes (its easy installation and handling, together with its high resistance) enable to fulfil, and in some cases shorten, the demanding deadlines of execution. This project joins the numerous projects already carried out in AFRICA, EUROPE, LATAM and MIDDLE EAST