Last Thursday 18/11/2021, the innovative system for sustainable drainage DRY PAVING SYSTEM (DPS) was awarded within the framework of the 15th anniversary of the NAN Awards for the Best Architecture and Construction Materials Projects, under the watchful eye of more than 150 professionals from the architectural and construction field. The NAN Architecture and Construction magazine announces annually these awards to designate companies that have excelled in R&D, innovation, quality, and design of the materials that they manufacture, market, distribute or install in works and reforms. The Dry Paving System (DPS), jointly developed by AH Asociados, HIDROSTANK and Pavimentos de Tudela, was awarded as the best pavement and cladding. The Jury for the «NAN – Best Construction Materials 2021» Awards was composed by Ricardo Cortés, Juan Elizaga (Ferrovial), Jordi Garrigó (FCC Construcción), María Moreno López de Ayala (SEOPAN), Guillermo Muñoz Cabañas (Dragados SA) and Antonio Muñoz Pino (OHL Construction). «Dry Paving System» (DPS) is a constructive paving system endowed with a high infiltration capacity (more than 100 l/m2/min) and with a retention of rainwater under its surface. DPS consists of precast permeable and decontaminating concrete slabs (ecoDraining) with an underground structure made up of polymer geocells (HIDROCELL) manufactured entirely with recycled plastic. The set, which manages to reduce contamination while partially purifying the received wa