HIDROSTANK participates in the forthcoming edition of of SMAGUA

HIDROSTANK will be present at the 27th edition of the International Exhibition of Water and Environment, SMAGUA, to be held from 4 to 6 March at Feria de Zaragoza SMAGUA will celebrate 50 years since its first edition being again a must and reference point for the international meetin

HIDROSTANK supplies its solutions for Sustainable Urban Drainage (SUDS) in the works of the new multifunctional building in Fúcar street, Madrid

HIDROSTANK has recently supplied its HIDROCELL infiltration geocells for the construction of the new multifunctional building located between Calle Fúcar and Calle Costanilla de los Desamparados, in the so-called Las Letras neighbourhood. This project, awarded by the Madrid City Coun

(Español) Hidrostank participará en la próxima edición de POLLUTEC (Lyon, Francia)

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