

This year HIDROSTANK has supplied their HIDROBOX cells (also known as Storm Cells, Soakaway Modules, and StormCrates)  in a project in Marseille, France. HIDROSTANK worked closely with technicians from the contractor (IDEAL TRAVAUX PUBLICS) in the definition of the solution finally adopted. The modularity and ease assembling of HIDOBOX cells, certified by Bureau Veritas, enabled a very quick installation of the retention tanks, of more than 100 m3.   France is one of several countries where HIDROSTANK is selling their HIDROBOX as a solution for the infiltration/retention of rainwater wherever possible to  enable a sustainable urban drainage (SUDS):

Hidrostank participates in a seminar on sustainable urban drainage at the University of Navarra

On February 10 HIDROSTANK gave a technical conference to senior students of the faculty of architecture at the University of Navarra   Hidrostank introduced them in sustainable urban drainage systems and presented its solutions for both consolidated and new development areas:   Hydraulic equipment for stormtanks: flow regulators, cleaning systems(tipping buckets, flushing gates, vacuum systems, jet cleaners…), pass screens…, and, specially, the last bet of Hidrostank for Sustainable Urban Drainage (SUDS): the HIDROBOX infiltration cells, that allow the dimensioning of  infiltration basins(recharge basin), detention basins, percolation trenches ….

HIDROSTANK successful participation in FISE 2013, COLOMBIA

Hidrostank was present at the FISE 2013 held in MEDELLIN at the end of last year From 27 to 30 November FISE received 10,560 visitors and hosted 272 exhibitors, 54 of them international (20%). Hidrostank presented its innovative ACCESS CHAMBERS (CABLE PITS) for electrical and telecommunications channelling, which have already been tested by companies in Colombia like CODENSA and PROMITEL.


This year HIDROSTANK has supplied its innovative reinforced polypropylene access chambers in several PV plants built in UK: HIGHER TREGLISSON, HIGH PENN, PITWORTHY, HIGH FIELDS, ABBOTS, MINGAY… HIDROSTANK has worked closely with technicians of the corresponding EPC, with the supply of its innovative manholes, providing the best solution for electrical channelling. For several years HIDROSTANK cooperates in the execution of groun mounted solar and thermosolar projects, where the features and benefits of our access chambers (easy installation and handling, coupled with its great strength) enable the EPC to fulfil, even shorthen in some cases, the demanding deadlines. This project joins the already performed in EUROPE (Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Czech Republic, Romania …), LATAM (Chile, Peru, Ecuador …), AFRICA (Mauritania) …


At the end of last year Red Eléctrica of Spain ( REE) homologated HIDROSTANK access chambers for underground lines according to the technical specification ET202 HIDROSTANK has worked closely with the technician of the Lines Engineering Department of REE defining the models for telecommunications facilities channeling Red Eléctrica of Spain is a Spanish company that acts as the electricity system operator (Transmission System Operator) in the Spanish electricity market. REE manages the entire network of electricity transmission (high voltage) Thus, with the approval of REE, HIDROSTANK provided its innovative Access chambers in the works of the new high voltage power line of 64.5 km connecting Spain and France through the Pyrenees and will be operational by 2014. The Inelfe project, 50% subsidiary of Spain’s Red Electrica (REE) and its French counterpart Réseau Transport d’Electricité (RTE), has a budget of 700 million euros and is funded by the European Union as part of the EEPR program (European Energy Programme for Recovery). Should double the current interconnection capacity between the two countries in 1400 to about 2,800 megawatts.

HIDROSTANK participates in the forthcoming edition of SMAGUA

HIDROSTANK will be present at the next edition of the SMAGUA to be held in ZARAGOZA from 4th to 7th of March It will be the 21st edition of the International Water Exhibition, a very important meeting for water and environment industries, not only in our country but in Europe, to be a showcase of solutions for integrated water management . Hidrostank presents its wide range of products for: Chanelling: innovate modular access chambers, manhole steps, pipe clamps…, Hydraulic equipment for stormtanks: flow regulators, cleaning systems(tipping buckets, flushing gates, vacuum systems, jet cleaners…), pass screens…, and, specially, the last bet of Hidrostank for Sustainable Urban Drainage (SUDS): the HIDROBOX infiltration cells, that allow the dimensioning of  infiltration basins(recharge basin), detention basins, percolation trenches …. In the stand Hall 4 D / 5 qualified staff will attend the demand of information that the visitor may need, using samples that facilitate the understanding the products On Wednesday, March 5th at 10.30, our manager Alberto Ayesa will give an introductory lecture on Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS).

HIDROSTANK: Studnie kablowe, Stopnie złazowe, Skrzynek rozsączających

HIDROSTANK jest hiszpańska firma z ponad piętnastu lat na hiszpańskim rynku i rosnącej obecności w Europie, LATAM, Afryka, Bliski Wschód … W tym czasie, HIDROSTANK współpracował z głównych firm budowlanych, instalatorów … które zaufały naszych produktów do swoich projektów:   Civil: autostrady, drogi, lotniska, koleje … urbanizacja, przemysłowe wielokąty…   Bylibyśmy bardzo zainteresowani współpracą z tobą poprzez dostarczanie:   naszych innowacyjnych modułowych Studnie polipropylenu. Studnie kablowe HIDROSTANK tworzą system studni z tworzyw sztucznych przeznaczonych dla energetyki i telekomunikacji (typu SK, Typu SKO).  Znajdują zastosowanie przede wszystkim w instalacjach oświetlenia miejskiego, sygnalizacji świetlnych oraz kanalizacjach teletechnicznych. Wysyłamy do Ciebie dwie noty filmów: Do podstawowych zalet omawianych studni należą : wysoką odpornością mechaniczną niewielki ciężar studni umożliwiający jej szybki i łatwy montaż, długi okres żywotności, możliwość wykonania dodatkowych przyłączy, Modułowa: Modułowa konstrukcja studni z tworzywa sztucznego pozwala na elastyczny dobór jej wysokości oraz w z znaczący sposób ułatwia i przyspiesza jej montaż. Regulacja wysokości studni 20cm, uszczelki wlotowe zapewniające szczelność i elastyczność połączeń. Można go poddać recyklingowi.   Wi

HIDROSTANK participates in the forthcoming edition of FISE

HIDROSTANK continues with the international commitment and will attend the next edition of the FISE to be held in MEDELLÍN from 27th to 29th of November FISE has specialized as a business and academic meeting for exhibitors , visitors and public sector , for framing the policies, trends , vision and challenges of the electricity industry . In this 5th edition distributors, contractors and installers seek new business opportunities, both nationally and internationally. HIDROSTANK presents its innovative reinforced polypropylene modular cable pits specially oriented to electrical and telecommunication netwoks, existing in projects as: • Civil works: highways, roads, airports, railways … • Urbanization, Industrial estates … • Photovoltaic Projects In Colombia HIDROSTANK has done very successful demo installations with PROMITEL and CODENSA . In the BLUE Pavillion , AZ- 002 STAND Hidrostank staff meet the demand of information that the visitor might need with the help of samples to facilitate understanding of the benefits of Hidrostank chambers in comparison to traditional concrete and brick ones: • Assembling: • Installation:


This year HIDROSTANK has supplied their HIDROBOX infiltration cells in a project in Leeuwarden, Netherlands HIDROSTANK worked closely with technicians from the contractor in the definition of the solution finally adopted. The modularity and ease assembling of HIDOBOX infiltration cells, certified by Bureau Veritas, enabled a very quick installation of the infiltration tanks: • Deposit 1. 37 m3, model Hidrobox 2.1, non inspectable • Deposit 2: 150 m3, model Hidrobox 2.1, inspectable, 3 inspectable channels The tank 2 was designed with 3 inspectable channels to facilitate maintenance. The innovative polypropylene HIDROSTANK access chambers were used in the access to the channels: Netherlands is one of several countries where HIDROSTANK is selling their HIDROBOX as a solution for the infiltration of rainwater wherever possible to enable a sustainable urban drainage (SUDS):