In recent months, HIDROSTANK has supplied, through its distributor TECNORED, its innovative reinforced polypropylene access chambers in several photovoltaic plants have been built in CHILE (Andes Solar, Bellavista Solar, El Olivo, Carrera Pinto, Finis Terrae…) HIDROSTANK and TECNORED have worked closely with technicians of the developer, EPC, and the corresponding civil and electrical contractors to define the Access chambers best solution for electrical and CCTV ducting. For several years HIDROSTANK cooperates in the execution of ground mounted solar and thermosolar projects, where the features and benefits of our access chambers (easy installation and handling, coupled with its great strength) enable the EPC to fulfil, even shorthen in some cases, the demanding deadlines. This project joins the already performed in EUROPE (Spain, UK, Portugal, France, Italy, Czech Republic, Romania, Poland …), LATAM (Chile, Peru, Ecuador…), AFRICA (Mauritania) …