
HIDROSTANK participates in the forthcoming edition of IFAT (GERMANY)

HIDROSTANK continues with the international commitment and will attend the next edition of the IFAT, the World’s Leading Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Waste and Raw Materials Management, held from May 14 to May 18, 2018 in Munich.   IFAT  meets for 5 days in MUNICH all the equipment, technologies and services specializing in the treatment of all types of pollution, environmental conservation and the implementation of sustainable development solutions.   HIDROSTANK presents its wide range of products for: Chanelling (innovate access chambers, manhole steps, clamps …), Hydraulic equipment for stormtanks (flow regulators, flushing systems, pass screens, check valves) and, specially,   SUDS: its HIDROBOX attenuation crates for sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS).   In the stand A3.118 qualified staff will attend the demand of information that the visitor may need, using samples and models that facilitate understanding the functioning of the equipment.   Register now at:


FOLAN, a French company specialized in passive components for fiber optic networks, will introduce HIDROSTANK modular Access chambers for  telecom ducting at the FTTH Conference 2018, to be held from 13 to 15 February in VALENCIA, Spain (S07 booth)   The characteristics of the HIDROSTANK cable pits, certified by Telefónica, Vodafone, Orange… enable the civil contractors to accelerate the civil construction of the fiber deployments.   With 3,000 participants from 94 countries, the FTTH Conference is the largest meeting place in the world for all broadband stakeholders!

Hidrostank manhole: GAIA AWARD 2017 at Big 5 Dubai

The jury awarded its innovative modular manholes for electrical and telecommunications ducting, made of 100% recycled plastic  The delivery ceremony took place at the Dubai World Trade Center, headquarters of BIG 5, in which more than 2,500 companies from 60 countries participated. Spanish manufacturer Hidrostank has won the award for the most sustainable product of the year at the 10th edition of the GAIA Awards, The Big 5 award for green built environment solutions.   The BIG 5 DUBAI, which took place from 26th to 29th of November, is the main construction and civil engineering fair in the Middle East.   The jury, composed by panel of industry experts chaired by Anwaar Al Shimmari, director of the Department of Design of the Ministry of Infrastructure Development of the United Arab Emirates, wanted to recognize HIDROSTANK innovative modular manholes for electrical and telecommunications ducting, made of 100% recycled plastic, from over 100 competing products.   The GAIA Awards, open not only to exhibitors but also to all operators whose products are distributed within the MENA Region, have become a reference for the industry due to their recognition of equipment and construction products that are committed to moving towards a increasingly sustainable environment.   Receiving the award, Hidrostank’s commercial director, Juan Gazpio Irujo, said: “20 years ago we bet on a much more sustainable world. Our challenge was to change the mindset of tradition


HIDROSTANK access chambers have just got the approval from the ORANGE Spain for new fibre deployments, after the successful results of the test conducted last July.   ORANGE authorizes the use of the HIDROSTANK HSK-1 handhole, of 450x450x600mm internal dimensions, on residential and industrial developments.   HIDROSTANK has been working closely with the technician to define models of cable pits for channeling telecommunications facilities     This approval of these manholes joins the approvals already got both in Spain (TELEFONICA, VODAFONE, MASMOVIL, IBERDROLA, ENDESA, RED ELECTRICA DE ESPAÑA …) and abroad (CFE, CLARO …)

HIDROSTANK participates in the forthcoming edition of BIG 5 DUBAI

HIDROSTANK will be present for the third consecutive time at the next edition of BIG 5 to be held from 26 to 29 November at the Dubai World Trade Center(Hall 2 G76)   Hidrostank presents its innovative polypropylene access chambers for electrical and telecom ducting that enable the contractor to do the civil construction much faster:   HIDROSTANK manholes have been shortlisted at the GAIA AWARDS 2017 that are awarded during the exhibition. The Gaia Awards have grown into the industry’s most respected awards honoring those construction equipment and products that have truly integrated the concept of moving towards a more sustainable built environment.   HIDROSTANK is a spanish company with more than 15 years of experience and an increasing activity in Europe, LATAM, Africa, Middle East… Register now       

HIDROSTANK: New distributors in Poland and French Antilles

From HIDROSTANK we are pleased to introduce two new distributors, who reinforce our international presence.   On the one hand, the company OPTOMER distributes our innovative modular access chambers in POLAND. OPTOMER is a fast growing company with more than twenty years of experience in the telecommunications market, specializing in fiber optic technology:     On the other hand, CaraibWork BTP is the distributor of the different HIDROSTANK solutions for civil works (modular chambers, manhole steps for wells, cells for sustainable drainage …) for the French Antilles (MARTINICA / GUADALUPE / SAN MARTÍN / SANTA BARTHÉLÉMY):  

HIDROSTANK participates in the forthcoming edition of IRAN TELECOM

HIDROSTANK will be present at the next edition of IRAN TELECOM, the 18th International Trade Show on Innovative ICT Solutions (Stand 68 A), that takes place from 16th October to the 19th October 2017 at the Tehran International Fairgrounds in Tehran, Iran.   This event showcases product from Telecom Products & Equipment industry. like It is at iran telecom innovations where hundreds of exhibitors present their innovative solutions towards an audience of 30,000+ professionals with real buying power etc. in the Telecom Products & Equipment industry.   The Iranian company NEDA TELECOM presents Hidrostank innovative polypropylene access chambers for electrical and telecom ducting that enable the contractor to do the civil construction much faster:   HIDROSTANK is a spanish company with more than 15 years of experience and an increasing activity in Europe, LATAM, Africa, Middle East…   Stand No : 68A   Register now             


HIDROSTANK has supplied its HIDROBOX attenuation crates in the urbanization works of Wanda Metropilitano, the new Atletico Madrid stadium, which is being built by FCC. The inauguration is scheduled for next September 16th.   Last March, the Madrid City Council, the Ministry of Development and Atletico Madrid signed an agreement for the urbanization of the old stadium of La Peineta, construction of the necessary access infrastructures and 4,209 parking places in the interior of the Wanda Metropolitan precinct. The connections of the new enclosure with the M-40 ring road will be executed in two phases: the first one will be essential to be able to carry out the opening of the stadium. The second will be held later, after the inauguration.   HIDROSTANK has collaborated closely with both the technicians of the Project management and the awarded contractor in the definition of the solution finally adopted: drainage trenches made of HIDROBOX inspectable crates, which enable a sustainable drainage of the urbanization.   The modularity and ease of assembly of the HIDROBOX cells, certified by Bureau Veritas, enabled a very fast installation to reach the very demanding delivery times.   This projects joins other emblematic drainage works in which HIDROSTANK has participated in Spain: Green Ring of Vitoria, Central Park of Valencia …


El próximo 26 de junio se cumplirá un año de la inauguración de la ampliación del Canal de Panamá,  una de las grandes obras de ingeniería del siglo XXI.. La incorporación del Tercer Juego de Esclusas permite el paso de buques Neopanamax, con capacidad de 13.000 contenedores, el triple de lo actual.   HIDROSTANK suministró al consorcio adjudicatario Grupo Unidos por el Canal (GUPC), liderado por SACYR, sus innovadoras arquetas de polipropileno reforzado en obras de Ampliación del CANAL DE PANAMA, una de las grandes obras de ingeniería del siglo XXI.   La ampliación del Canal de Panamá  aumenta en un 40% la capacidad de tránsito de mercancías de las actuales vías marítimas que unen el Atlántico con el Pacífico y forma parte del programa integral de ampliación de la capacidad del Canal.   HIDROSTANK colaboró estrechamente con los técnicos del consorcio adjudicatario Grupo Unidos por el Canal (GUPC)  para definir la mejor solución de arquetas para la canalización de instalaciones eléctricas y telecomunicaciones.