
HIDROSTANK participates in the forthcoming edition of SITP, Algeria

HIDROSTANK will be present at the 12th edition of SITP (International Trade Fair for Public Works and Construction Machinery) that will be held in Algiers, Algeria on 19-23 November 2014 Hidrostank presents its innovative polypropylene access chambers for electrical and telecom ducting that enable the contractor to do the civil construction much faster:   HIDROSTANK is a spanish company with more than 15 years of experience and an increasing activity in Europe, LATAM, Africa, Middle East… In the Pavillon Central LA CONCORDE Zone C, Stand Nº101, qualified staff will attend the demand of information that the visitor may need.

HIDROSTANK participates in the forthcoming edition of POLLUTEC 2014(Lyon, France)

HIDROSTANK continues with the international commitment and will attend the next edition of the POLLUTEC to be held in LYON from 2nd to 5th of December. Pollutec meets for four days in Lyon all the equipment, technologies and services specializing in the treatment of all types of pollution, environmental conservation and the implementation of sustainable development solutions. We expect more than 75,000 visitors from 42 countries HIDROSTANK presents its wide range of products for: Chanelling (innovate access chambers, manhole steps, clamps …), highlighting the L1T access chamber with the France Telecom approval Hydraulic equipment for stormtanks (flow regulators, flushing systems, pass screens, check valves) and, specially, SUDS: its infiltration cells for sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS). In the stand Hall 6 D119 qualified staff will attend the demand of information that the visitor may need, using samples and models that facilitate understanding the functioning of the equipment. For free access to the show, log on, click the window that opens “Free badge request” and fill the form with the invitation code “CAE”  

Hidrostank participated in the summer courses of UNIVERSITY OF SALAMANCA

The Polytechnic School of Zamora (University of Salamanca) hosted from 8 to 11 July, the summer course titled “Water and energy managing in cities’, with which it is intended to introduce in a “informative and close” way the technological, planning and managing aspectsrelated to water and energy management in urban areas.To do this, the course has a large panel of experts from professional, public and prívate sectors.Hidrostank took part as speaker and introduced teh audience to sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) and presented its solutions for both consolidated and new development areas: stormtanks: introducing its diverse equipement: flow regulators, cleaning systems(tipping buckets, flushing gates, vacuum systems, jet cleaners…), pass screens…, and, specially, the last bet of Hidrostank for Sustainable Urban Drainage (SUDS): the HIDROBOX infiltration cells, that allow the dimensioning of  infiltration basins(recharge basin), detention basins, percolation trenches …. ….

HIDROSTANK participates in the forthcoming edition of Solar Energy UK (SEUK)

HIDROSTANK will be present at the next edition of the Solar Energy UK (SEUK), to be held in Birmingham, UK, 14 – 16 OCTOBER 2014(I32 booth)   Now in its 5th year, Solar Energy UK (SEUK) has established itself as the no.1 UK event for all professionals within the solar industry, attracting over 170 exhibitors and 2,424 unique visitors last year from 42 countries.   Hidrostank presents its innovative polypropylene chambers for electrical and CCTV ducting that enable the EPC/contractor to do the civil construction much faster:   installation:   HIDROSTANK is a spanish company with more than 15 years of experience and an increasing activity in Europe, LATAM, Africa, Middle East… In UK we have supply our draw pits in many solar plants, like: BEACHAMPTOM, HATCHLANDS, RUDGE, TREFINNICK, SHIPTON BELLINGER, PARKHOUSE, HIGHER TREGLISSON, HIGH PENN, PITWORTHY, HIGH FIELDS, ABBOTS, MINGAY, SAYS COURT, SUTTON, WEST HALL, NORRINGTON, CANWORTHY, FAIRWINDS, RYSTON, IWOOD…   In the I32 booth qualified staff will attend the demand of information that the visitor may need.   Free register now:  


HIDROSTANK has supplied innovative reinforced polypropylene access chambers for the project of Telecommunications Neutral Operator promoted by MAGTEL, declared ‘strategic project” by the Government of Andalusia   The project consists of the design, construction (pipes, draw pits, chambers, poles…) and operate of a regional fiber optic network. As NEUTRAL OPERATOR MAGTEL handles the deployment and allows other operators to provide services through the network. The MAGTEL project has a planned investment of 118 million Euros over five years, with 2,800 kilometres of urban and interurban lines.   HIDROSTANK has worked closely with technicians of MAGTEL defining the best solution for telecommunications channelling. The characteristics of the HIDROSTANK access chambers (easy transport, assembly and installation, high resistance and versatility to make the inlets) bring great benefits to the deployment, and speed  the civil works up, especially in urban areas.


This year HIDROSTANK has supplied their HIDROBOX cells((also known as Storm Cells, Soakaway Modules, and StormCrates) ) in a project in SAINT ETIENNE, FRANCE   HIDROSTANK worked closely with technicians from both the Technical Office and the contractor in the definition of the solution finally adopted.   The modularity and ease assembling of HIDOBOX cells, certified by Bureau Veritas, enabled a very quick installation of the 3 retention tanks, of about 400 m3.   France is one of several countries where HIDROSTANK is selling their HIDROBOX as a solution for the infiltration/retention of rainwater wherever possible to  enable a sustainable urban drainage (SUDS):


This year HIDROSTANK has supplied its innovative reinforced polypropylene access chambers in several PV plants built in UK: NORRINGTON, CANWORTHY, FAIRWINDS, RYSTON, IWOOD… HIDROSTANK has worked closely with technicians of the corresponding EPC, with the supply of its innovative manholes, providing the best solution for electrical channelling. For several years HIDROSTANK cooperates in the execution of ground mounted solar and thermosolar projects, where the features and benefits of our access chambers (easy installation and handling, coupled with its great strength) enable the EPC to fulfil, even shorthen in some cases, the demanding deadlines. This project joins the already performed in EUROPE (Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Czech Republic, Romania …), LATAM (Chile, Peru, Ecuador …), AFRICA (Mauritania) …

HIDROSTANK successful participation in CHILESOL (Santiago de Chile)

Hidrostank was present, trough its distributor TECNORED, at ChileSol 2014 in Santiago, Chile. A 2 day event covering the CSP and PV solar challenges to build successful projects in Chile and South America.   TECNORED presented HIDROSTANK innovative modular Access chambers specially focused to  to electrical and telecommunication chanelling in projects like: • Civil works: highways, roads, airports, railways … • Residential, Industrial Estates … • Projects photovoltaic / thermal     In Chile, they have been provided in the main photovoltaic projects (Pozo Almonte, Llano de Llampos, San Andres, Diego de Almagro …) On the other hand, HIDROSTANK chambers have the approval of the SEC, CHILQUINTA … and very positive feedback from pilot installations done for telecom operators.  

HIDROSTANK successful participation in UNDERGROUND ELECTRICITY NETWORKS exhibition, at Sao Paulo, Brazil

Las arquetas de HIDROSTANK estuvieron presentes, gracias a ENERCOM, en la última edición de la feria de REDES ELÉCTRICAS SUBTERRANEAS celebrada en Sao Paulo, Brasil, los días 3, 4 y 5 de junio de 2014.   La exposición ya es un referente en el panorama nacional y el espacio único para la discusión de los trabajos sistemas de energía eléctrica más fiable adecuado para entornos urbanos y cuenta con la producción nacional total apoyo para cumplir con las tecnologías clave necesarias para la implementación de redes subterráneas.