HIDROSTANK has recently supplied its HIDROCELL infiltration geocells for the construction of the new multifunctional building located between Calle Fúcar and Calle Costanilla de los Desamparados, in the so-called Las Letras neighbourhood.
This project, awarded by the Madrid City Council to CYOPSA-SISOCIA for 16 million euros, will house a nursery school, a day centre, a sports centre with swimming pool, a car park for residents and a cleaning area. The facilities, which will have a total built area of 18,000 m2, will be spread over eleven floors.
HIDROSTANK has worked closely with the technicians of the company awarded the contract to define the best solution for maximising the permeable surface area using its HIDROCELL® infiltration geocell.
Our infiltration geocells are a very interesting alternative as they have the following characteristics:
– High retention volume.
– High resistance. Three models are available with short-term strengths of 60, 90 or 125 T/m2.
– Easy and quick installation: manual handling, without machinery.
– Modularity: facilitating logistics.
– Ecological: 100% recycled and recyclable material.